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Page 1: ˘ ˇ ˆ ˙ˇ ˙˝ˇ˛ ˇˇ ˚˜˘ˆˇ ˆ 19, 2020.pdf · Insurance - Real Estate 12 S. Main St. • Masontown 724-583-7767 Fax 724-583-7792 berishagency@atlanticbb.net 42 RIVER AVE

Rev. William G. Berkey, Pastor�

[email protected]

Rev. Thumma Fathimareddy�

Shared Parochial Vicar�

M, T, W & F�������������������������8:00 am�

Saturday������������������������������4:00 pm�

Sunday��������������8:00 am & 11:30 am�

Confessions: Saturday 3:00�3:30 pm�

M, T & T������������������������������8:00 am�

Saturday:�����������������������������4:00 pm�

Sunday����������������������������������9:30 am�

Confessions: Saturday 3:00�3:30 pm�

Office Hours: Monday through

Friday 9:00 am to 4:00 pm�

Bulletin Articles: The deadline�

for placing articles in the bulletin�

is Monday at Noon.�

New Parishioners, Welcome!�

Please register as soon as possible. �

Communion to the Homebound is

provided on a regular basis. Call the

Parish Office to be added to our list.�

Sacrament of Baptism: By

appointment. Prior to your baby’s

Baptism, you must be a registered,

practicing member of this parish.�

Sacrament of Marriage: Requires

parish membership by at least one of

the parties for six months prior to

making arrangements for marriage.

Weddings should be scheduled�

one year in advance.�

Prayer Chain: To request prayer ,

please call Patty 724�245�9746�

or Valeria 724�583�9460�

July 19, 2020�

R O M A N C A T H O L I C P A R I S H �

101 West Church Avenue�

Masontown, Pennsylvania 15461�

Phone: 724�583�7866 • Fax: 724�583�0373�

Website: www.sfoafayette.org�

A Parish of the Diocese of Greensburg�

A Pennsylvania Charitable Trust�

Saint Francis of Assisi�

Page 2: ˘ ˇ ˆ ˙ˇ ˙˝ˇ˛ ˇˇ ˚˜˘ˆˇ ˆ 19, 2020.pdf · Insurance - Real Estate 12 S. Main St. • Masontown 724-583-7767 Fax 724-583-7792 berishagency@atlanticbb.net 42 RIVER AVE

. . . . . . �

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,�

We are called to work for justice. Justice must be tempered with compassion�

for the wrongdoer, for God himself meets our own repentance with abundant

kindness and mercy. Let Jesus, who died for us when we were sinners and�

now gives us his Body and Blood, be our model of forgiveness and love.�

� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ��

Thank you to Carletta and the Cash Bash team for the wonderful job they did. Thanks also to all who attended�

and supported this event � especially during this difficult time. A profit of $8,515 was realized.�

� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ��

� Monday is the Feast of Saint Apollinaris, Bishop and Martyr. Ear ly accounts report that he was ordained

a bishop by Saint Peter himself and sent as a missionary bishop to Ravenna during the reign (41�54 AD) of the emperor

Claudius. Renowned for his power to heal in the name of Christ, he was frequently exiled, tortured, and imprisoned for

the faith, and finally martyred.�

� Tuesday is the Feast of Saint Lawrence of Brindisi, Pr iest and Doctor of the Church. Saint Lawrence of

Brindisi is the patron saint of Brindisi for his defense of the city against the Turks, but his lasting legacy is as a

theologian and linguist fluent in all of the languages of the Scriptures and many of those spoken around Europe.�

� Wednesday is the Feast of Saint Mary Magdalene who is the Apostle to the Apostles and patron of the

Order of Preachers (Dominicans) because she was the first to proclaim the Resurrection. Although women did not study

with rabbis in Jesus’ day, Mary was a disciple of the rabbi Jesus; therefore, the seed of God’s Word was firmly planted

within her � so firmly that she stood at the foot of the Cross with Jesus’ mother and her sister and the beloved disciple,

when the other disciples ran in fear. In this Gospel reading, she is the first to see the resurrected Christ. She is the first

to see God, who is love, raised from the dead. She became the first evangelist that day, sharing Jesus’ message with the

disciples. We, too, are called to evangelize the Good News.�

� Thursday is the Feast of Saint Bridget of Sweden. Saint Bridget was a mystic, a wife and mother , a

queen’s lady�in�waiting and the founder of the Brigittines, a religious order of men and women united under the rule of

an abbess. Saint Bridget was indefatigable in her many works and spoke her prophetic words without fear to nobles,

royals, and popes.�

� Friday is the Feast of Saint Sharbel Makhluf. Saint Sharbel Makhluf was a Lebanese monk and hermit

who was known for his wise counsel in life and for many miraculous healings after his death. Although Sharbel lived

out his entire life near his home village and, near the end, only left his hermitage to occasionally perform the sacraments,

his quiet example and powerful intercession reached far beyond the borders of Lebanon.�

� Saturday is the Feast of Saint James the Apostle. Saint James and his brother , John, were the “Sons of

Thunder” who accompanied Christ during his ministry and, with Saint Peter, witnessed Christ’s Transfiguration. When

James asked to sit at Jesus’ right hand in His Kingdom, Christ asked him if he could “drink of the cup I drink,” an

encounter that prefigured James’ death as the first of the Apostles to be martyred.�

� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ��

Question of the Week: When have I realized that my expectations had fooled me?�

Regarding hardships, what have I learned from asking for help?�

Our Psalm Response this week, “Lord, you are good and forgiving,” reminds us�

that the greatness of God expresses itself in goodness, kindness and forgiveness. �

� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �

Please say a prayer for the control and end of the corona virus so that�

we can come back to church as a community of faith.�

� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �

Let’s go Pens! Peace, Fr. Bill Let’s go Bucs!

Page 3: ˘ ˇ ˆ ˙ˇ ˙˝ˇ˛ ˇˇ ˚˜˘ˆˇ ˆ 19, 2020.pdf · Insurance - Real Estate 12 S. Main St. • Masontown 724-583-7767 Fax 724-583-7792 berishagency@atlanticbb.net 42 RIVER AVE

� � �


� Today Jesus continues to speak to his followers

using parables. What a rich treasure we are given today

in three parables about the kingdom of heaven! The

kingdom is likened to a man sowing good seed in his

field, a mustard seed, and yeast mixed with flour. As

they did last week, today the disciples press Jesus for an

interpretation of one of the parables � the parable of the

man sowing good seed. Lest we think that these parables

are simply amusing little anecdotes, Jesus’ interpretation

should be seen for what it is � a warning. Wailing and

grinding of teeth in a fiery furnace await those who are

children of the evil one. This parable points to the strug-

gle for today’s believer. Sometimes, through sin, we sow

weeds and prevent the love of Christ from blossoming.

Let today’s Gospel help put us back on track. Let us re-

commit ourselves to preparing for the last days, the har-

vest, by blossoming as the good seeds we were created in

love to be.�


� Grace and sin are found together. As much as

our hearts long for union with God, there is a dimension

of disbelief with which I also wrestle. Even though we

may seek purity and integrity in all of our thoughts,

words, and deeds, there is also the path toward weakness

and sin that we find ourselves traversing. Just as weeds

can easily overtake the best of gardens, so too can weak-

ness and sin overtake and overwhelm a person. The call

is to realize the power the weeds of sin have to choke us

off from God’s presence. While God allows the wheat

and the weeds to exist together, we must keep our eyes

fixed on God’s mercy and forgiveness and resist the

death that comes from giving way to sin and evil. In

God’s time, the eternal harvest will come and we will no

longer have to worry about the weeds. For now, we must

be vigilant and regularly seek the assistance of the Master



� In today’s Gospel parables, Jesus prepares us for

those times when we may lose patience with the slow

progress of the Kingdom. In this Gospel, and throughout

Scripture we find assurance that God is always working

among us with mercy and kindness and we are encour-

aged to trust in God’s purpose and plan. God knows

what we need and promises to be with us always. As you

receive this week’s news, look beyond the headlines for

signs that God is in charge, showing mercy, kindness,

and fidelity. Take to heart this quote from Julian of Nor-

wich: “He did not say, ‘You shall not be tempest�tossed,

you shall not be work�weary, you shall not be discom-

forted,’ but he said, ‘You shall not be overcome.”�

First Reading � Wisdom 12:13�19�

For your might is the source of justice; your�

mastery over all things makes you lenient to all.�

The Jewish sage speaks of God as master of all�

who judges us with clemency and governs us with�

leniency. What are some areas of your life that�

make you grateful for a merciful God?�

Second Reading � Romans 8:26�27�

And the one who searches hearts knows what is�

the intention of the Spirit, because it intercedes�

for the holy ones according to God’s will.�

Paul teaches the Christians in Rome that the Spirit�

helps us “to pray as we ought.” When do you�

find yourself most at prayer?�

Gospel � Matthew 13:24�43�

Let them grow together until harvest; then at�

harvest time I will say to the harvesters, “First collect�

the weeds and tie them in bundles for burning;�

but gather the wheat into my barn.”�

We hear today a series of parables describing aspects�

of the kingdom of heaven: the parable of the weeds

among the wheat, the parable of the mustard seed,�

and the parable of the yeast. What do you think makes

Jesus’ parables such an effective method for teaching

about the mystery of the kingdom of heaven?�

Thank you to the family of Geno John Coll for providing

the flowers in Masontown this weekend in his memory.�

Thank you to David & Mary Ann Ballant for providing

and planting the flowers on the grounds in Masontown.�


Good stewards in a parish are like the yeast in�

today’s Gospel. Their selfless gifts of time and talent

help the parish grow and thrive and their example�

inspires others to become good stewards, too.� �

Thank you for last Sunday’s offertory ...�

$8,730; online $295 for a total of $9,025.�

Thank you for your continued support�

especially during this critical time. ♥�


Page 4: ˘ ˇ ˆ ˙ˇ ˙˝ˇ˛ ˇˇ ˚˜˘ˆˇ ˆ 19, 2020.pdf · Insurance - Real Estate 12 S. Main St. • Masontown 724-583-7767 Fax 724-583-7792 berishagency@atlanticbb.net 42 RIVER AVE

Sponsor of the Week�

We sincerely thank this

business for sponsoring�

an ad in our bulletin.�

Sacred Steps�

Sacramental Celebrations�

at Saint Francis of Assisi Parish�

Parish Sympathy is expressed to the family of�

† Josephine (Meli) Ryan�

who was buried Friday, July 17. May God grant�

her eternal life and comfort her family.�

2020 Memorial Candle Request�

Remember a deceased loved one or honor a loved one or

a special occasion by sponsoring a memorial candle. The

candles will burn in their memory/honor for one week. �

� _____ Sanctuary ($20)�

� _____ Blessed Mother ($10)�

� _____ Saint Joseph ($10)�

� _____ Sacred Heart ($10)�

� _____ Saint Anthony ($10)�

In memory/honor of ____________________________�

Requested by __________________________________�

Phone __________________________�

Date / Week of _________________________________�

Payment is due at the time of scheduling. Please return

the completed form with payment to the Parish Office.�

� “Come away by yourselves to a deserted place

and rest awhile” must have been chosen for this summer

season by a committee eager for a vacation. For the

apostles, the promise of rest was foiled by the needs of

the people who discovered their hideaway and pressed

them into ministry. Some people do indeed use their va-

cation for ministry and mission, giving an intensity of

service otherwise not possible. For most of us, vacation

is a time when we can grow more aware of God’s plan

and can renew the bonds of love with family and friends

in times of play and leisure.�

� The disciples learn today that there is no place so

out of the way that the life of worship and ministry is dis-

engaged. Giving yourself to summer worship will enrich

you, delight you and give you a sense of the word of

God’s progress in your heart. In today’s world, summer

is the time when we are most acutely aware of the beauty

of the world. Gratitude and wonder are fertile soils for

God’s word to take root and prosper. Welcome the visi-

tor today and resolve that when you travel you will be

faithful to Sunday worship. � James Field�

From the Diocese of Greensburg�

For the foreseeable future, all people will remain�

dispensed from the obligation to attend Mass�

on Sundays. Those who feel vulnerable because�

of their age or health are encouraged to stay home,�

while those who are sick should not attend public�

worship. Streaming Masses will continue.�

Visit www.dioceseofgreensburg.org�

to view Mass with Bishop Malesic each Sunday�

Sign up for text alerts by texting the�

word, FAITH to 724�305�3057�

Visit TheAccentOnline.org for the latest news.�

Spiritual Communion Prayer�

by Saint Alphonsus Liguori�

My Jesus, I believe that You are�

present in the Most Holy Sacrament.�

I love You above all things, and�

I desire to receive You into my soul.�

Since I cannot at this moment�

receive You sacramentally,�

come at least spiritually into my heart.�

I embrace You as if You were already�

there and unite myself wholly to You.�

Never permit me to be separated�

from You. Amen�

Treasures From Our Tradition�


A man of words and not of deeds�

Is like a garden full of weeds.�

� Anonymous nursery rhyme�

Do what you can, with what you have,�

where you are. � Theodore Roosevelt�

Page 5: ˘ ˇ ˆ ˙ˇ ˙˝ˇ˛ ˇˇ ˚˜˘ˆˇ ˆ 19, 2020.pdf · Insurance - Real Estate 12 S. Main St. • Masontown 724-583-7767 Fax 724-583-7792 berishagency@atlanticbb.net 42 RIVER AVE

Saturday, July 18 �� Vigil: 16th Ordinary Sunday�

4:00 pm�M (T)� Shirley Beck (Don Beck)�

4:00 pm�F (B)� Greg Cunningham (Bozak Aunts & Uncles)�

Sunday, July 19 �� 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time

8:00 am�M (B)� Reg Zipko (Michael Gabeletto Family)�

9:30 am�F (B)� Flo Richardson (Cindy/Jim Nichols)�

11:30 am�M (T)� John Kolar (Bruce/Eleanorann Miller)�

Monday, July 20 �� Saint Apolinaris�

8:00 am�M� Geno John Coll (M/M Paul Krokus)�

8:00 am�F� Genevieve Jarzynka (John/Sue Maykuth)�

Tuesday, July 21 �� Saint Lawrence of Brindisi�

8:00 am�M � Cpl Lawrence Slovensky (Sister, Esther Pleban)�

8:00 am�F� Elaine Rosnack (John/Barbara Lovis)�

Wednesday, July 22 �� Saint Mary Magdalene�

8:00 am�M� Minnie Mojock (Dolores Solomon)�

Thursday, July 23 �� Saint Bridget�

Masontown� No Mass / No Communion Service�

8:00 am�F� Beatrice Dunlevy (Golden Group)�

Friday, July 24 �� Saint Sharbel Makhluf�

8:00 am�M� Deceased of Parish & Richnafsky Families�

Saturday, July 25 �� Vigil: 17th Ordinary Sunday�

3�3:30 pm�M� Confessions �

4:00 pm�M (B)� Thomas Gashie (Betty Jean Dugan)�

3�3:30 pm�F� Confessions�

4:00 pm�F (T)� John Evans (Wife, Stella)�

Sunday, July 26 �� 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time

8:00 am�M (T)� Robert & John Jr. Olszewski (D/H Miller)�

9:30 am�F (B)� Bernard Sandrosky (Wife & Family)�

11:30 am�M (B)� Freda Hospodavis (Niece, Dolores Dunn)�

� �

(B) Fr. Bill / (T) Fr. Thumma�

Sunday Regional Mass: 5:30 pm at�

Saints Cyril & Methodius Church, Fairchance�

Mass Readings for the Week Ahead �

Monday:� Mi 6:1�8; Mt 12:38�42�

Tuesday:� Mi 7:14�20; Mt 12:46�50�

Wednesday:� Sg 3:1�4b; Jn 20:1�18�

Thursday:� Jer 2:1�13; Mt 13:10�17�

Friday:� Jer 3:14�17; Mt 13:18�23�

Saturday:� 2 Cor 4:7�15; Mt 20:20�28�

Next Sunday: 1 Kgs 3:5�12; Rom 8:28�30; Mt 13:44�52�

Jesus proposes parables to the crowds, teaching�

them of the reign of God. � Matthew 13:24�43�

Today Jesus continues to speak to His followers�

using parables. What a rich treasure we are given�

today in three parables about the kingdom of heaven!�

The kingdom is likened to a man sowing good seed in

his field, a mustard seed and yeast mixed with flour.�

As they did last week, today the disciples press Jesus�

for an interpretation of one of the parables � the parable

of the man sowing good seed. Lest we think that these

parables are simply amusing little anecdotes, Jesus’

interpretation should be seen for what it is � a warning.

Wailing and grinding of teeth in a fiery furnace await

those who are children of the evil one. This parable

points to the struggle for today’s believer. Sometimes,

through sin, we sow weeds and prevent the love of

Christ from blossoming. Let today’s Gospel help put�

us back on track. Let us recommit ourselves to�

prepare for the last days, the harvest, by blossoming�

as the good seeds we were created in love to be.�

Memorial Candles burn this week in loving�

memory of or for the special intention of:�

† Blessed Mother � Shirley Beck�

requested by husband, Don�

Minnie Mojock�

requested by great�nieces�

Alexandra & Madelyn Brubaker�

† Saint Joseph � Shirley Beck�

requested by husband, Don�

Think well. Speak well. Do well. These three things,

through the mercy of God, will make a person�

go to heaven. � St. Camillus de Lellis�

Feast of Saint Mary Magdalene Wednesday�

This loving woman of the gospels was faithful to Jesus�

to His death. She was the first messenger of His�

resurrection and is called the “Apostle of the Apostles.”

Mistakenly identified as the sinful woman of Luke�

7:36�50, she is patroness of the Order of Preachers.�

Saint Mary Magdalene, pray for us!�

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